Tribute to our beloved Dora

Tribute to our beloved Dora, Chateau Feely vineyard dog

It is with great sadness that we share the loss of our beloved Dora early November 2024 at a little over 16 years old.  Dora (the Explorer) was part of our family, a loved companion, a welcomer of guests to Chateau Feely and the most loving, gentle dog. We adopted her from a rescue centre as an abandoned puppy back in 2008 and how lucky we were to find that honey coloured bundle of joy and energy.

She was a loyal companion for Sean out doing vineyard work through all the seasons.

And a loved member of the family

We were blessed to have her in our lives.

God bless and go well beautiful Dora.

We can see you frolicking in the great vineyard in the sky.

We love you and miss you.


Read about Dora in Caro Feely’s books, see this link for where to buy them and ISBNs.

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Showing 5 comments
  • Sarah Christie

    God bless Dora!
    You were lucky to have her in your lives & for so long too!
    I remember her when I did my WSET 2 wine course with you back in 2012 & on my many visits back! What a pretty sweet dog she was looking after her domaine! She’ll always be with you at Château Feely. Don’t be sad for too long….Think of the great memories! ❤️

  • Marilyn Weaver

    So sorry to learn about Dora’s moving onto and past the Rainbow Bridge. She was such a delightful part of each of our two stays at Chateau Feely. We’re cat people but Dora captured our hearts. Farewell Chateau protector and loyal Feely family member.

  • Caro FEELY

    thank you Sarah. we so appreciate your message.

  • Caro FEELY

    thank you Marilyn. We appreciate your message. Especially from cat lovers. 😉

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