It is a wonder that these incredibly delicate shoots that could be knocked off with a light touch of the hand or a hailstorm or a frosty morning will be robust canes filled with leaves and life in a couple of months.
The dandelion is already well into its cycle and has even pushed it’s seeds out. But as I said last year we feel so happy to see the sun and the growth, the waking up of the earth but at the same time we feel desperate seeing the spray machines on non-organic farms in the valley below us starting up their systemic pesticides.
The orchids are thriving as they have since our third year of organic farming (2008).
The tulips are out and Sean’s potager is bursting with spinach. Highly recommend simple spinach and cream with pasta and sincérité.
Leah is keeping watch over it for him – from on high – perched on the water barrels.
Ready to pounce.
And Dora is running freeeeeee. Come and run freeeeeee with her and experience the beauty and nature of Chateau Feely for yourself this year. PS We are offering 10% off the remaining May/ June weeks in the Lodge.
Come and stay or do a multi day course or multi day tour. You can read about the story of this organic vineyard, wine school and farm – the series includes three books Grape Expectations; Saving our Skins and Glass Half Full by Caro Feely. You can also order a case of no sulfite added organic wine including shipping in the EU. Join the mailing list to receive a seasonal newsletter, events, wine pairing, recipes and more info on this topic at the bottom right of this page.