Whispers in the Winter Vines – a Chateau Feely poem
The dark days bring a luminosity that resonates with the earth
Like a sprite I walk the vines stopping to feel them every few metres
Grandes dames, sentinels of history vibrating with generosity
Their twisted forms exude a strange grace
I stop to give one a grateful squeeze pressing gently onto her rough skin
A few more steps and I kneel to pick up a shard of silex
It glows in the shrouded light
A reminder that the spring will return, a message of hope
by Caro Feely
Learn more about wine with a visit to Chateau Feely in South West France ; stay with us or do a multi day course or multi day tour . You can read about the story of our organic farm the series includes three books Grape Expectations; Saving our Skins and Glass Half Full by Caro Feely.
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