Hedgerows are a key part of organic and natural farming offering biodiversity that helps to keep the balance. Dog roses are a natural part of these hedgerows and we have many.
These hedgerow roses or dog roses, give us beautiful white single row petal roses in the spring and summer and then vitamin C pockets in winter. They are wild and grow naturally at Feely farm.
After a frost in winter the rosehips become soft so that you can squeeze their vitamin C goodness out of them.
Pick the soft rosehip and gently squeeze the red paste out taking care not to extract the pips. The pips are hairy and hence are not pleasant to eat and cause bowel irritation. The pips are easy to see do don’t let that put you off.
Another red splash of colour in winter comes from our friends the ladybirds (or ladybugs).
Come and learn more about organic farming with a visit to Chateau Feely in South West France ; stay or do a multi day course or multi day tour. Find out more about our way of farming with organic and biodynamic practices on the Feely organic and biodynamic online trail. You can read about the story of this organic farm – the series includes three books
Grape Expectations: A Family’s Vineyard Adventure in France (Caro Feely Book 1).
Saving Our Skins: Building a Vineyard Dream in France ( Caro Feely book 2 )
Glass Half Full: The Ups and Downs of Vineyard Life in France (Caro Feely Book 3).
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